1. Tap the wall icon at the top of the screen
2. A menu will appear on the left edge of the screen
3. Press the room icon - a confirmation will appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen that a room is being drawn.
4. On the plot, click where you want the bottom left corner of the room to be.
5. A red point will appear to indicate where the corner of the room will be. You can change the position of this point using the arrows.
- The point moves according to the snap to the invisible grid. You can resize this grid using the -/+ icons in the upper right corner of the screen. Each time you press the icons, the bar at the bottom of the screen will show the current size of the snap grid.
- Accept the position of the point by pressing the "apply" button.
- If you want to give up drawing the wall, press "cancel".
6. After pressing the "apply" button, enter the upper right corner of the room:
- click on the plot where the upper right corner of the room should be
- a blue box will appear showing the appearance of the room. This is a temporary illustration that will change if you change the position of the second point.
- edit the location of the point as you did the first point.
- after moving the point with the arrows, information about the size of the room (dimension in the axis of the walls) and the usable area (taking into account the thickness of the walls, reducing the area of the room) will appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Accept the position of the point by pressing the "apply" button.
- f you want to give up drawing the room, press "cancel".
7. After pressing the "apply" button, the room will be inserted.
8. You can continue inserting more rooms. The sequence of actions is the same as in the case of inserting the first room.
- insert the lower left corner of the room
- edit point location.
- after moving the point with the arrows, information about lengths and area will appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen.
- accept the position of the point by pressing the "apply" button.
- insert the upper right corner of the room.
- edit the point with the arrows and accept the position by pressing the "apply" button.
9. Insert more rooms or end with the "cancel" button.
10. The thickness of the walls of a room can be set by clicking the appropriate wall thickness button in the wall menu before clicking the room button.
11. The thickness of the room walls can be changed after inserting the room. Click the wall whose thickness you want to change, select the thickness icon, use the arrows to change the thickness.
12. Sometimes walls can overlap one another. This happens when the vertices of the rooms do not meet at the same points. Redundant walls can be deleted using the List icon in the main window. Find the wall, the wall will be highlighted in red and press the delete icon in the lower right corner of the screen.